Tuesday 7 September 2010

What is the new Google bubbles homepage all about?

Have you seen Google recently? They're up to old tricks, putting up a new UK and US homepage which will cause a storm! A little more simple than the previous 'Pacman' inspired homepages, but it's simple look and flying bubbles that react to the mouse cursor are great fun!

So what's it all about?

Some new way of using HTML5? perhaps? Just a bit of fun? Maybe?! Who knows, if anyone knows let me know and post up a comment.


  1. Google's 12th Birthday!

  2. It is in celebration of Buckyballs. Massive use of CPU, which is greater than Flash. How many hours of lost business, WardblawG wonders.


  3. Today the Google homepage is starring a Google logo made with bubbles that will dispatch and follow your mouse cursor.

    This special logo is to celebrate buckyballs 25th birthday.

  4. 25th birthday was yesterday and they had a special buckyballs logo then... this is different

  5. To Gavin,

    Good makes money by drawing individuals to their search engine. The bubble logo may seem like a waste of time, but with the attention it will draw, it is hardly a "waste of time." :)

  6. Thanks for the comments! Looks like the real reason for the bubbles is still not known - even Techcrunch don't know! (see end of post).

    The bubbles are definitely different to the Buckyballs, here's the Guardian's review.

  7. You're blogging about it. There's your 'reason'...

  8. True! Although often the Google's illustrations are paying homage to something.

    Having said that, have you seen it today!? It's changed again to a grey logo that colours up as you type! I can't see any other reason than simply to get people talking.


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