Just found this set of cigarette packs on Pentagram's website. Great idea! If I were a smoker I'd definately be up for getting meself a pack or two. Death is definately in right now.
The Food and Drug Administra-tion will soon have sweeping pow-ers to regulate the making and market-ing of tobacco. With that in mind, Times graphics and multimedia director Chris Kozlowski called a colleague, D.J. Stout, a partner at the global design fi rm Penta-gram, which focuses on “identity design, branding, packaging,” and asked him to sketch out some new packaging he might suggest if Marlboro were to come calling: “Our marketing advice to cigarette compa-nies in the new heavily regulated era is to fully accept the new aggressive antismok-ing restrictions and to wallow in the gov-ernment’s apocalyptic health warnings. Don’t make excuses or dance around the stepped-up marketing regulations, just transform the whole cigarette pack into a three-dimensional warning label.”Download pdf of newspaper article >
D.J. Stout’s expertise encom-passes the design and rede-sign of a variety of publications including magazines, books and catalogs. He and his team also specialize in identity design, branding, packag-ing, exhibitions and website design. His work has been widely published and has won many design awards.
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