It was nice to see that he was local (ish) to my home town, having lived in Eastbourne for over 50 years. To find out more about Robert Tavener please click here to read Tavener's biography.
There is a great quote by Tavener on his biography which reads:
"In the diverse and complex world of artists' prints, I have tried to keep three or perhaps four qualities paramount. These are design, colour, draughtsmanship, together with an awareness of the disciplines of autographic printmaking. A lithograph should not be a reproduction of anything else, but must exemplify the textures and qualities inherent in stone and plate; a block print should demonstrate by its "cutty" qualities the resistance of wood and lino to the gouge, the knife and the graver. It should not imitate drawing or painting, and the printed image is the Original"

Nice post. Thanks for sharing ... :)